It’s time for immunization for all.

The Legacy

Think of a person. Not someone you know. Someone you’ve never met. Picture them on the other side of the world, somewhere you’ve never been.  You almost certainly share one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Immunization. Because like you, they’ve likely had their childhood vaccines. In the last 50 years alone, vaccines have saved over 150 million lives, as many as one every ten seconds.

By working together, governments, aid agencies and healthcare workers got us to where we are today –– a world where we’ve eradicated smallpox and almost eradicated polio, where more children than ever before in history live to see their fifth birthday. And you are part of this story too, because by being immunized, you help to protect others, just as they help to protect you.

The Challenge

Now we need your help again. In 2024, vaccines need urgent support to reach those who still miss out. That’s why we’re calling on governments everywhere to prioritize investment in immunization.  

In high-income nations, that means funding Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and other key programmes that help to bring vaccines to the people who need them most.

In low- and middle-income nations, it means strengthening immunization programs and committing to reach children who have never received a vaccine, as well as those who missed out in recent years because of disruptions caused by the pandemic or natural disasters.

The Future

By investing in immunization, we can reach all people around the world with life-saving vaccines no matter where they live. We can also set the stage for new and better vaccines that will help to protect against even more illnesses.

Just imagine –– a future without cervical cancer. A future without polio, measles or malaria.

We’ve done it before. And we can do it again.

Join us and show the world what’s #HumanlyPossible.

How You Can Help

Your voice matters. Tell leaders around the world it's time for immunization for all and share the #HumanlyPossible message with your community by:

  1. Downloading and sharing social media assets

  2. Learning more about immunization by visiting UNICEF, WHO, or Gavi the Vaccine Alliance

  3. Exploring partner events and projects
